Welcome To Our League

Stars Baseball League is a excelent option by growing up in this sport. Our program lasts five months beginning in April through September. Each year 15 teams participate in our tournament in 4 differents divisions. A champion team in each division. But every child is a champion in our Tournament, taking home a trophy.
April thru June is for practices, teaching and making the teams. July thru September We have our Regular Season Games, The Playoffs and the All Stars Games in each division. Also every year we participated in the Mayor's Cup, RBI Baseball Tournament and the Fall Baseball Classic. Our travel teams also play against cities like, Lawrence, Lowell, Malden, NJ, NY, Providence. Registration is coming!

Rafael Moscat
League Commissioner

Our Mission

It is to give the opportunity to the kids, ages 6-18 years old, to practice, learn and play the game of baseball, in a healthy environment . We try really hard, so that every child can have a great progress at the end of the program.

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“There may be people that have more talent that you, but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder that you do” - Derek Jeter

Over 200 members and growing, We love our team.